Okay, here's a reminder:
Looks like it would be pretty easy to find a matching band, right?
My initial idea was to purchase 2 of these, and have one above and one below. Essentially, I could mix and match -- wear both bands and my e-ring, one band and my e-ring, just my e-ring, just a band, whatever. I could change the look to whatever I desired...

But, that idea crashed and burned. I got the rings sometime last week, tried them on, and promptly decided I hated the idea. Absolutely hated.
So, this weekend, Tom and I went shopping again. After trying on several rings with no luck, the saleslady grabbed this:

I loved it. Immediately.

I loved it. Immediately.
The catch?
It only came in platinum. The cost was equivalent to a down payment on a car. I asked if it came in white gold, and was told no.
The next day, I loaded up their website, and to my chagrin, found the EXACT ring in white gold.
Whaddya know? Plus the cost was close enough to our budget.
I received the ring yesterday, and am on the fence. I like it, then I don't like it.
Is it too shiny? Do all the diamonds match? Are the diamonds too big? Does it dwarf my engagement ring? Is the band too tapered? Should I have my engagement ring tapered to match? Should I get it soldered so the diamonds match up all the time? Is this what I'm going to want thirty years from now?
For now, I'll hang onto it. I'll show it Tom, wear it around, then make my decision. Ultimately, I think I'll keep it, but you never know...
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