But, this, I could not resist.
The long-standing joke in my family has been that my parents, well really, my dad, would host a spectacular carnival wedding for whichever crazy daughter agrees to it. Every year, our family parish hosts a carnival, and a few years back, my dad started brainstorming.
He has it all planned --- the tent is already there, the band is already booked. We'll pay for beer, the guests all get pizza or hot dogs, and onion blossoms will double as both the centerpieces and appetizers. No really, he's thought it out.
And if all that wasn't stellar enough, the bride and groom get a free ride on the Ferris Wheel. Lucky us.
So imagine my shock/horror/chagrin when I came across this on The Knot's "Wedding Ideas We Love" blog:

I guess my dad's been right along when he claims he thinks about ten years ahead of the trends...
That is AWESOME!!! You have to show that to dad! I think everything would be cool, except the creepy carni's!!
That is insane! Have you shown dad yet?
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