And then I found these and all was right in the world. Sorta.

So I want something similar to these, but a little more rectangular in shape, and the paper will be the bluish/aqua to match the invitations. I also want to be able to use both sides of the program, the first for the actual ceremony, and the back for the wedding party and a brief note, much like this example.
I really like the idea of the blue paper, but I'm afraid that the ink (either white or green) will be too difficult to read, especially with the smaller font. We might end up going the ivory paper route with the blue writing, which I think will look better.
The white might be alittle hard to read but if you use as large of a font as possible, and as clear to read as possible. It should be fine to use the blue with the green.
can't you do a test drive? like try it first? I don't know how the blue paper and green ink might look, but I think the blue paper with white ink would work well.
and can you please get a new poll?
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