Tuesday, September 23, 2008

An Often Overlooked Accessory: The Veil

So the thought has occurred to me in passing, but I've never really spent much time on it.

How long should my veil be?
I HATE short veils. And by short, I mean anything above my elbows. I LOVE super long veils. But, since I don't really have a train, I think it would look weird if my veil was longer than my dress, right? I can't really picture a veil somewhere between elbow and floor length, either.

Floor length:

Elbow length: (ignore the ribbon, I'm not a fan...)

So, give me your thoughts on length. Oh, and I'm not doing a blusher.

And to attach it:
I love the idea of using a brooch that's clipped into the side of my hair (or the top of a low bun-style chignon thingy) with the veil clipped under the bottom, near the nape of my neck.

Like this: (but without the weird ribbon thingy)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this brooch:

And it's only $15!! I think it plays really well with the embroidery on my dress, the incorporation of the silver beads and the pearls I want to wear, and the slightly floral motif of the whole occasion.


Unknown said...

I think having your veil longer than your dress could look really nice. Why couldn't you have a veil longer than your dress? If done right it can look great.

Becca said...

I was going to say the same thing. MAny brides who have no train usually opt for the cathedral lenght veil. I think it would look awesome, and then you could just take it off whenever you want to at the reception!

Unknown said...

I recommend taking off your veil before everyone hugs you at the reception. The veil gets tugged on and pulls your head back and gives you a headache.

B said...

Hmmm...I'm still not sure.

I'm guessing I'll just have to buy enough tulle to make the veil cathedral length, then try it on with the dress. If necessary, I'll cut it down...

Isn't it customary to remove the veil on the way to the reception? Well, that's what I plan on doing anyway :)