Favors have sort of become a tradition at weddings. And though the tradition started in France with royalty, eventually spreading to Italy (beginning the tradition of Jordan almonds...), favors in the US are sort of a hot-button topic.
Are they necessary? How much is appropriate to spend? Aren't my guests just going to throw them out?
I'm pretty torn on this topic. As a guest, I really don't care about them. As a hostess, I feel sort of obligated to give them. However, I also feel that if I am going to send something home with my guests, I want it to be something useful and practical. And most likely edible.
So, I would like all of your thoughts. My mother has made her opinion perfectly clear: she thinks they're a waste of money, and I shouldn't bother. She also feels that way about corsages. Way to be difficult, Ma! ;)
A few ideas I like:

Yum. Chocolate covered sunflower seeds. Cute, tiny, fairly inexpensive.

Again, but in a tin I think is cute. But without the sticker. That's sort of lame.

Yum. Chocolate truffles in a cute box. Delicious, yet expensive. They average about $2 a box. $2 multiplied by 200 guests = $400. For chocolate. Do you know what I could do with $400?!?!
So, what are your thoughts (as the possible recipients of these)??????